Alkhamael for hygienic products is looking for graphic designer with social media management experience. The ideal candidate should have s...
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آخر المشاركات
مطلوب معلمات من مادبا Teaching English language for students younger than 14 years old without using pen paper or board. Through active le...
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The ability to work for retail stores across a range of specialties, including clothing and accessories. They work closely with other Sale...
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يبحث موقع فرصة.كوم عن مستشار ومرشد طلابي مقيم في الأردن يتمتع بالخبرة والدافع والكفاءة اللازمة للعمل مع فريق موقع فرصة بدوام كامل بحيث يكو...
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